Mission Statement: "Omaha Welcomes the Stranger strives to serve migrants fleeing violence and persecution in their home countries by providing safety, hospitality, hope and assistance with establishing new lives in the United States."
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.
- Matthew 25:35
In July of 2023 two Venezuelan families (each with three children) arrived in Omaha on their own with no friends or family anywhere in the U.S. In desperation, they spent the night in the rain huddled outside the Juan Diego Center, a South Omaha arm of Catholic Charities. The next morning Catholic Charities gave them food and clothes, and then contacted Omaha Welcomes the Stranger to see if OWS could receive them at its shelter. OWS readily agreed and welcomed these families into the shelter that day.
These are just two of the many families assisted by Omaha Welcomes the Stranger. OWS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2022. It was formed to assist asylum seekers arriving at the southern border at a time when the numbers of people crossing the border were overwhelming the shelters there. These migrants were fleeing violence, persecution, and drought in their home countries.
In December of 2022 our organization welcomed a bus of 39 asylum seekers comprised of 14 families from 7 South and Central American countries to Omaha. OWS provided temporary shelter, food, basic health care, and helped these families connect with friends and family in the U.S. OWS also provided financial assistance for the cost of travel.
In recent months increasing numbers of families have been arriving in Omaha who have no friends or relatives in the U.S. OWS continues to provide shelter, food, and healthcare, and facilitates referrals to legal assistance. Because these families have no sponsors in other cities, OWS assists with resettling them in permanent housing in Omaha, and supports them monetarily while they await work permits. We are currently supporting 21 families, 12 in the shelter and 9 in rental housing, totalling 78 people.
OWS collaborates with local churches and service providers, as well as many volunteers, in order to fulfill its mission of providing compassionate care to immigrants.
For additional information about Omaha Welcomes the Stranger, please contact us via our webform.
Travel, transportation, rent, bills, groceries, health care and legal fees, add up very quickly every month. Please support our work by making a tax deductible donation.
The OWS board of directors consists of:
- Sr. Kathleen Erickson, RSM
- Sr. Val Lewandoski, OSM
- Sr. Mary Kay Meagher, ND
- Sr. Maryanne Stevens, RSM
- Dawn Essink
- Juan Carlos and Lupita Garcia
- Tom and Margaret Hoarty